DAA Enterprises, Inc. |
Working with the most advanced tools enables us to be most responsive to our users’ needs. While customizing labels, reports, MARs, pricing schemes, etc., is a routine matter, we even developed an elegant (and permanent!) solution for a frustrated user, some of whose elderly patients had non-matching birthdates listed with the primary and secondary payers. It was all covered by his software maintenance, of course. For day-to-day support, our powerful Remote Assistance software enables our support staff and expert programmers to be virtually sitting beside you looking at your screen and lending a helping hand. Get instantaneous on-site service whenever needed, all year round, for a fraction of the cost of a single service call. Technical support is available Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. EST. & Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST Our knowledgable staff will gladly assist you with any software problems or concerns you may encounter throughout the day. For claims related inquiries, you may also contact NDC Pharmacy Support at (800) 388-2316 For technical support, call: (800) 359-5580 or email us at support@daaenterprises.com For a free demo of Visual Superscript, call us toll-free at (800) 359-5580 orE-mail us at sales@daaenterprises.com
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