DAA Enterprises, Inc. |
Some Users' Comments About Our Software and Support The Superscript software is nothing short of a Cadillac at Volkswagen prices..." Bruce Moyers, R.Ph. Oak Grove Pharmacy, N. Little Rock, AR "We installed the Superscript turnkey systems in both stores. The extra support offered by DAA staff during the conversion (at no extra charge) made the transition painless. It has been over a year since we went 'live' in both stores. I am happy to confirm that everything I had heard about Superscript was indeed true. Some of my friends who decided to go with the big-name systems now wish they had decided to go with Superscript." Paul Garner, R.Ph. Cosgrave Pharmacy, Silvis, IL "Switching to Superscript from DAA has to be the best decision I have made. Our relief pharmacists are amazed at its user friendliness and speed. With my old system, whenever I had relief help I prayed there wouldn't be a computer problem. Now with Superscript, I don't give it a second thought." |
David Acconcia, R.Ph.
Center Pharmacy, Jackson Center, OH
"In my rural practice, every relief pharmacist that works in my two stores comments about how easy it is to work with Superscript for the first time. The tools it provides to run your business make Superscript, dollar for dollar, the best value on the market." Gerard Herpel, PD. Deep Creek Pharmacy, McHenry, MD "Superscript is much more intuitive than any other pharmacy software I have seen or used. The staff at DAA is very open to suggestions and has implemented some of my suggestions. I have seen software retailing for a great deal more that does not offer the functionality nor the flexibility of Superscript." Frank Fratea, R.Ph. Cheshire Medical Center, Keene, NH
E-mail us at sales@daaenterprises.com |
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